torsdag 10 mars 2011

Come and pray!

I'm up early every morning her in Pittsburgh praying. It is wonderful to worship Jesus early in the morning all alone with a broken morning voice... Love it! It is refreshing to read a word or a few chapters from the Bible and just let the words work on your heart. Wish u all could come here and pray with me tomorrow morning.

Every second day I'm also leading Prayer School before I start teaching. 75 minutes of worship and prayer together with 18 hungry students. Wow!
It is always powerful to pray together.

Wish I could be in Stockholm friday night when SOS Church gathers to pray! Johannes Amritzer will lead our Church in prayer from 10pm-2am. Always powerful nights!
If u are around, don't miss it!
You don't have to be a member of our Church to join - just come and search God and pray for Stockholm!

Warfvinges väg 26, Stockholm.

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