Can't stop thinking of Google since I read the book I wrote about here.Been thinking the last few days about what they do so good, that we as a Church should learn from them.
This is just a few random thoughts.
- Don't be evil!This statement has become the informal corporate motto, or slogan, of Google. They basically tries to follow this in everything they do. Don't charge to much money; let all we create be to the benefit of the world; help and believe in people etc.
As a Church this should be the foundation for everything we do. Unfortunately many Christians still live more selfish than they should, thinking more of themselfes than on others. To create a Church that impacts a city,
there can be no hidden agenda or hidden motives; just pure compassion and love!In other words:
Be like Jesus!
- Nothing is impossible!In the enterance to the huge Google-complex outside San Fransisco there is a big whiteboard. All employers are asked to write down all the crazy ideas they have on this board. Many of the most crazy and impossible
ideas was born on this board!
And when they get the idea, they simpely says: Lets do it!Now, we have the All mighty God in the equation! We should say this more often than Google: Nothing is impossible!
In other words:
Be like Jesus!
- Be Creative!The office in San Fransisco is a place that invite creative ideas. Together with the motto
Nothing is impossible no creative idea is looked down at, but all kind of creativity is invited.
A creative Church is a living Church! A creative Church makes Jesus visible in both words, music, pictures and emotions.
Don't call yourself a non-creative person - you are created in the likeness of the Creator Himself - the most Creative Person ever excisted!In other words:
Be like Jesus!
- To be the best is not a goal, it is the starting-point!Google doesn'task their staff to become the best. They take it for granted!
As a Christian with God on your side, you shouldn't look down on yourself, and
you shouldn't be satisfied with mediocrity! You are the head, not the tail! You are above, not under! You are blessed, not cursed! Dream big, and become more than people expect you to be. God believes in you!
In other words:
Be like Jesus!
- Believe in people!Google is the no 1 company in the world where well educated people would like to work....and there is a reason for that! They take care of their people and believe in them! They invest in them, challange them and help them to advance!
The Church can't take its people for granted, but take care of them, invest in them, challange them and believe in them as well!
To serve Jesus is not just a sacrifice, but to have the best Employer in the world!In other words:
Be like Jesus!